How to exercise your lower back muscles: Medicine ball exercise

★ Posted on 12-09,2024

LowerBackMuscle training methods:Medicine ball

1.Bend over and turn

Exercise parts: middle and lower back muscles, side muscles

Action Essentials: Stand shoulder-width apart, lean forward and parallel to the ground, hold the ball with your hands hanging down naturally

Keep your lower back straight and rotate at a constant speed; hold the ball and slowly swing to the right to the maximum extent , keeping your lower back straight, swing the ball slowly to the left to the maximum extent. Repeat the action back and forth


Keep your lower back straight when performing. Keep the lower body still

2.Lean forward

Target Muscles : Middle and lower back muscles

Action essentials: Stand shoulder-width apart, hold the medicine ball close to your chest, and lean your torso forward parallel to the ground;

Keep your lower back straight, hold the medicine ball up, lift your chest and raise your head, repeat .


Keep your lower back straight when performing.

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