Tips To Get Back On The Fitness Wagon (Copy)

★ Posted on 02-17,2025

In this video from personal trainer Alistair, he discusses tips to get back into your fitness routine after having fallen off it for awhile;.

Life is hectic, full of commitments for work, family, friends and you also have to fit sleep in there somewhere haha Studies show that time is the number one reason by far, why people miss or fall off the fitness track and then struggle to get back. This is a common theme for many people, but there are some tried and true tips you can use to ensure success when starting out and that will continue to serve purpose along your fitness journey. Whatever you do don’t get frustrated and ignore the gym for years, all the hardworking you put in will be lost and make the hill to climb that much more difficult. You can do this with some carefully implemented tips to create routine and get guaranteed results.

If you fell lost, frustrated or like giving up, DON’T!!!

Follow these tips to success ????????:

???? Start with a five minute workout that is easy and not daunting. Most likely you will get a few minutes into it and not want to stop.

???? Make a plan for the first two weeks of starting. Don’t plan beyond that!

???? Find an accountability partner top motivate you in the gym and outside of the gym. This will help create consistency, which gets results.

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