Novices will definitely be at a loss when they first start exercising. They must make a plan first. Otherwise, when they start exercising, they will not know what activities they should do in the future, and they will not know which sports are suitable for them. In addition, before novices start fitness and fat loss, they must also formulate a good diet and exercise combination, so that everyone can implement their fitness and fat loss plan better. Then let’s take a look at the fitness and fat loss plan for beginners!
Monday: Chest, back
Breakfast: a piece of whole wheat bread + yogurt, lunch: fish + vegetables + half a bowl of rice, dinner: sweet potatoes + half a cup of boiled water. When exercising the chest and back, we can choose to do kneeling push-ups and dumbbell straight-leg deadlifts. First, kneeling push-ups. Everyone should be very clear about the training effect of the pectoralis major muscles. Cabinet push-ups exercise not only the chest. The large muscles can also be exercised together with other parts of the body, so this action is very worth trying, and it is not particularly difficult. Anyone who can do standard push-ups can basically try it. The dumbbell straight-leg deadlift, because it uses dumbbells, is more flexible and has a very good exercise effect. If you can do these two movements three times a day, with each group taking two minutes and taking a short break in between, it will have a very good fat loss and exercise effect on the body.
Wednesday: Arm
Breakfast: steamed eggs, lunch: shrimp + half bowl of noodles, dinner: corn + yogurt. Dumbbell curls are very useful for exercising the arms, especially the triceps. In addition, if you feel that the exercise effect is not good enough, you can use bent-over arm curls and hammer curls. The combination of these movements can help Everyone exercises their arm muscles. However, you must also take appropriate rest during the exercise. Basically, you can do it twice a day, but you don’t need to rest for too long in between. If you feel that the exercise effect is still not good enough, in the evening You can use jogging in aerobic exercise to coordinate. Jogging is a highly comprehensive exercise. It is more suitable for novices and is also suitable for everyone to exercise their lung capacity and endurance.
Friday: Shoulders
Breakfast: Skim oatmeal, Lunch: Steak, Dinner: Skim pasta. There are actually many different ways to exercise shoulder muscles, but most of them require the help of dumbbells. For example, we are doing dumbbell presses, reduced lateral raises, and dumbbell front raises. Dumbbells are used in each movement, and these three movements are very helpful for building shoulder strength. For the three methods mentioned in the article, each group is done about 15 times, and you can rest for 30 seconds in between. You can adjust the total number according to your physical condition. Usually, you do three groups a day. If you feel that your body can If you want to do more, you can also increase the number of groups, or combine it with jogging in the evening for reasonable exercise. However, if you hope that jogging can have a fat-loss effect, it is best to do it for more than 30 minutes.
The above exercises are more suitable for novices, and the time set aside on weekends can give everyone a proper rest and formulate and adjust a new plan.
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